Meet Carol

Feldenkrais Practitioner
Cortical Field Reeducation

over 40 years in private practice


Trusted guide
on your
journey to ease

I’m passionate about learning!

I know what it’s like to be in chronic physical pain. I used the Feldenkrais Method® to change that. I also know what it’s like to feel shame, to judge myself severely, to make myself small, and not trust my own voice. My life has been a personal healing journey toward freedom from these disabling habits.

This is why I’m in love with combining movement and awareness as a way to profoundly shift your perception and your life. I’m fully committed to your deep learning about how you can make your life more comfortable and vibrant at any age.

Did you know your behaviors are learned habits that can be changed through body awareness?

My Approach

I listen, really listen, to you and your concerns and design each session uniquely for your needs and goals.  Compassionate and non judgemental presence is essential for me. Many people have told me that my office is a safe space for them.

I’m aware of patterns of energy as well as patterns of movement and work with you at many levels.

I believe that pleasure, joy, and laughter are underestimated avenues for healing. So I make it as pleasurable and easy as possible for you to experience lasting, positive change.

I believe that healing is always a possibility and I never give up on you. My intention for you is to nourish states of healing presence in yourself, and in your relationships with your friends, family, and clients

I look forward to sharing my work with you to help you find your unique path in life through more body awareness. You’ll be amazed how this unusual approach can be so transformative.  

Am I the Right Healer for You?

If you are looking for someone to “fix” you, I am not the right person for you.

On the other hand, we are well matched if:

You’re looking for more gentle and organic ways to help you heal yourself 

You don’t know how to connect with your body and know deep inside that the time has come

You’re comfortable with life as a process of personal evolution and growth 

If you’re an explorer of your unique inner truth.

My Experience

Professional Training and Certifications
Certified Felenkrais Practitioner through the Feldenkrais Guild of North America taught by Moshe Feldenkrais
American School of Massage Therapy, Gainesville FL
Licensed Massage Therapist 1978
Certified Postural Integrator 1979
Certified Feldenkrais Teacher 1983
Certified Cortical Field Re-education (CFR) Teacher and Trainer 2000
B. A. Degree in Mathematics Education Douglas College 1963
Embodied Life Mentorship Program with Russell Delman
Three year training program in Integrated Awareness® taught by Lansing Gresham
Cranial Sacral Work and Visceral Manipulation – Upledger Insitute
Zero Balancing, with originator Fritz Smith
Over 20 years Modern Dance Training
Laban Movement Analysis and Effort/Shape
Bartenieff Fundamentals

Teaching Experience
Over 40 years of private practice (Continuous private practice since 1978)
Over 20 years of teaching at the University of Utah Continuing Ed and Osher Program
Over 10 as a presenter of workshops at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA
Presenter of many workshops throughout the US and Europe
Workshop Leader Esalen Institute
Presenter for the Feldenkrais Guild of North America annual conference
Choreographer/dancer for Artist in the Schools Programs Tallahassee, FL

Published work
The Feldenkrais Method and Its Relevance to Dancers:
Article in Second Edition of Dance Kinesiology by Sally Fitt

Awareness, in and of itself, is transformational

The Most Important Things I’ve Learned

For me, being truly alive is to grow love and learning in myself. The work I do has brought these beautiful gifts to me. 

I inform, inspire, and motivate people like you to move well for a lifetime.

I came to helping people to learn and heal through awareness and movement very early in my life. First as a creative movement teacher for preschoolers and as a dance improvisation teacher for adults. I loved how people’s movement held clues to how they felt about themselves. When their movement became more free, the increased joy in themselves was palpable.

This fascination with how movement develops (or how it often decreases as we grow older) and the effect of movement on physical, emotional, and mental health led me to study directly with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the founder of the method.

When I studied with Dr. Feldenkrais (1980- 1983), he believed that movement held all the keys. Toward the end of his life, he confided to one of my teachers that he might have been incorrect. There needed to be integration of emotional and mental needs as well. That has been my belief from the start. Your emotional body, mental body and energetic body will all receive my attention.

Your body is always communicating with you. When you listen, you will discover its wisdom. I make it pleasurable and as easy as possible to experience positive change. When you work with me you come away with a new way of thinking about how you can heal yourself.

My broad background provides you with many ways to communicate with your body to discover its wisdom.

Get Started

Your life cannot be any easier than your movements. – Harriet Goslins

My Story

In the early 1970’s, I began my career as a teacher of creative movement for preschoolers and as a dance improvisation teacher for adults. My fascination with how movement develops (or more accurately, how it often decreases as we grow older), the effect of movement on health, and the relationship between movement and self perception led me to study directly with Moshe Feldenkrais. 

Upon graduation from the Feldenkrais Training in 1983, I became a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and have maintained an ongoing practice of teaching Awareness Through Movement classes and offering private sessions since then.   At the Feldenkrais training, I met Harriet Goslins, the founder of Cortical Field Reeducation®. We reconnected in 1997, when Harriet invited me to co-lead workshops at Esalen Institute, and subsequently to teach in Professional CFR Trainings. I taught Awareness Through Movement at the University of Utah for 18 years and have lead workshops in the United States and in Spain.

In 2010 I began to develop my own work by combining the Feldenkrais Method of pedagogy with core strength ideas from the Pilates Method. This work helps people connect to core strength very deeply. My exploration of this material was in response to my own severe back pain….which now is no longer problematic. The usual idea of exercise is to strengthen the outer crust and leave our deeper, primary resources out of awareness.  The ideas that I’ve developed around core strength engage the primary, intrinsic muscle system so that the secondary, gross motor muscles don’t over work. As a result of this exploration, I discovered a profound and unexpected effect which was as deeply beneficial as the pain relief. My increase in physical capacity and resilience brought me greater self confidence and even more compassion for others.  I’ve continued to expand and teach this material with fine results. It’s appropriate for anyone, however, I believe it to be essential for the vitality of seniors. 

My life has been a continuous study of aware movement, consciousness, and the effects of the movement of attention. In 2013, I became Russell Delman’s student in The Embodied Life Mentorship Program.  Russell’s work combines meditation, the Feldenkrais Method and embodied listening. It spurred the beginning of a regular mediation practice for me which has nourished my soul and deeply enriched both my personal and professional life.

Individual sessions and classes are available for you in my Salt Lake City studio as well as workshops and mentoring opportunities in the United States and Europe. I look forward to meeting you.

Movement is life. Without movement life is unthinkable. – Moshe Feldenkrais

This is powerful work and Carol’s approach is clear and gentle. I will be using these techniques for many years!  

– Celeste Metz

I am profoundly grateful for this work. Carol is extraordinarily gifted and sensitive.  Through her understanding, she is able to help bring integration, alignment, and freedom to those lucky people who find her.

– Marion

“I learned to respect and listen to my body. To treat my movements with softness. I’ll continue to use this new knowledge and know that I can help myself at any time.

– feedback from Esalen workshop

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